is a category that contains protein powders made from milk also known under the acronym WPC (whey protein concentrate). This type of protein powder is greatly popular, and not only among athletes. It is primarily due to the fact that it contains a considerable amount of protein (70-80% of protein content), has an optimal amino acid spectrum, and it's also very affordable. Nowadays, it is produced using gentle filtration methods, which result in a high-quality and well-absorbable protein powder. An exemplary representative of such protein powder is True Whey.
In case of whey protein powders, the usual recommended serving amount ranges between 0.25 – 0.3 g of protein per kg of body weight. However, if you don't feel like pulling out your calculator every time, there is no harm in taking between 20 – 40 g of the protein blend. This corresponds to a more or less filled 30g measuring cup. The 40 g upper limit of protein intake will be especially appreciated by athletes who had a full body strength workout, which results in a higher demand for protein.
Do you want to learn more about protein powders and how to choose the right one? Then you should definitely check out our article: Which Protein to Choose? Whey Concentrate, Isolate or Hydrolyzate?
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